This comprehensive book provides essential tips and advice on how to achieve success as a teenager. It covers key topics such as academic performance, personal development, and extracurricular involvement.

The results I guarantee from this book…
This model is the result of years of experience in the field. My principles, though simple, have been effective in changing the lives of students, making them well-rounded, competent, honest, and emotionally healthy young men and women.
I have personally implemented these models and noticed how my relationships with others and myself have improved. The simplicity factor allows me to gain clarity on my goals and pathways, cutting out the noise and helping me focus on what needs doing. It’s easy to adopt, and I guarantee that by the end of this book, you would have learned:
- The 10 key skills vital for growth and success for kids
- How the S.E.A. Of Success® model applies to the 10 key skills
- Practical applications of the S.E.A. Of Success®
- How you can nurture these traits in children in a healthy way

About Author: Antwaun Thompson
Inspiration for writing the book: The lessons taught and lessons learned from the very kids that inspire my mission of preparing the next generation of leaders. Many kids have shared things with me that they do not feel sharing with their parents. This shows a level of trust that they have in me as a person and mentor. This, itself is all the inspiration I needed to write this book.
Decision to commit my career to empowering young men and women: The sacrifice that my father made when he not only married my mom, but also legally adopting me at a very young age and raising me as his biological son, teaching me life lessons that would transform my life was my motivation to do the same for as many young men and women as I can.
How basketball inspired the S.E.A. of Success®mentoring program: From my first year of coaching in 1985, I have been preaching three things; keep it simple, apply maximum effort and keep a positive attitude. They have been the key elements to the success of every team that I have ever coached, and has been a great empowerment tool for the student athletes. Instilling this discipline, approach, mindset and philosophy has been a life changer for me as well.
How the personal growth and development components were selected for the book: There are so many areas that impact the lives of preteens and teens, but focusing on the ones that have the most immediate and substantial affect were what led to the selection of goal setting, leadership, accountability, communication, character building, confidence, personal responsibility, time management, relationships, conflict transformation/resolution and influencing.
The implementation of real life stories and experiences: When attempting to teach, coach or mentor kids, it is vitally important to have examples of experiences that they can relate to, and that was the importance of including real experiences that not only support the messaging, but also shows the impact that these experiences had on me as a coach and mentor.
Call To Action: By writing this book, my end goal is to connect with parents, preteens, teens and educators to educate, support and inspire through one on one and group settings.
Verified Book Reviews
“I just finished reading this book, and I am so impressed! It’s honestly one of the best books I’ve read that will help me be a better parent to my teenager.
This book gives a clear blueprint for raising kids to be empowered and become leaders. Coach T shares so much wisdom from his years of mentoring kids, and he also includes inspiring stories highlighting the impact that he is having on their lives.
This is an amazing book for anyone who spends time with kids as a parent, educator, coach, etc. I will definitely be implementing his S.E.A. Of SUCCESS framework with my kids!
I highly recommend this book!”
Laura Harstad
“The Ultimate Guide to Success for Preteens and Teens is a great book to help guide parents to lead their children through positive reinforcement. Teaching children accountability and responsibility for their actions is a strong point of this book to help young people achieve goals and accomplishments. The authors first hand knowledge of young people and many years of guiding them through caring leadership is a theme throughout the book which I enjoyed. Although my teens are older, I plan to use knowledge from this book in guiding them to be better adults!”
Kristen Barber